Hormone Health for Men

What are Hormones?
Hormones are "chemical messengers" of the body. Examples of some hormones are the estrogens (estradiol, estrone and estriol) , progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, the thyroid hormones and DHEA. For hormones to produce a response in the body they must first attach themselves to "receptors", which then turn on the desired action. Hormones regulate the activity of the cells and tissues in the body. Hormones are produced in various body tissues including the ovaries, testes, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Our bodies have natural "metabolic and detoxification pathways" in place to process, detoxify and eliminate our natural hormones. Under optimal conditions, the body maintains hormonal balance, contributing to health and an overall sense of well- being. Optimal hormone plays a major role in not only the quality of our lives, but also in preventing many of the degenerative and chronic illnesses that can occur over time.
Because there are many factors that may lead to imbalance in one or more hormones, it is important to take a holistic approach to healing the imbalance. The symptoms of hormone imbalance can affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually. With age, there may be a natural decline in production of reproductive hormones. This is normal and most people do not suffer adversely from this natural decline. However, if you are suffering from symptoms that are interfering with living your best life, it is time to take action!
Some Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance:

- Fatigue
- Decreased muscle mass
- Overall decreased sense of vitality
- Weight gain-especially abdominal
- Mood changes
- Insomnia-problems falling or staying asleep
- Muscle aches and pains
- Difficult thinking
- Decreased desire for sex (libido)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Digestive changes
How do we determine if there is a Hormone Imbalance?
In order to determine if there is a hormone imbalance we take a "whole person" approach . We will listen carefully to your concerns, symptom and take a thorough, unrushed history. Lifestyle factors such as diet, stress, toxin exposure, body weight and digestive health all play a major role in hormone balance. In order to achieve optimal hormone balance, all of these factors must be considered and addressed.
It is important to measure your personal biochemistry/ hormone levels before deciding if treatment is necessary. Testing may be done using saliva, blood or in some cases urine. Each method has its merits and limitations. We will discuss the best options for your particular situation during your initial consultation.
After a thorough evaluation, we will create a custom-tailored management plan based on your individual biochemistry and preferences.
How do you treat a Hormonal Imbalance?
In many cases, hormone balance can be achieved with proper lifestyle measures such as a clean, whole foods diet, regular exercise, stress management, weight control and high quality nutritional supplements.
In some cases if the imbalance is significant, or if lifestyle measures are not enough to restore balance, replacing the deficient hormones to normal physiologic levels may be indicated. This is done utilizing Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHRT).
About Bioidentical Hormones (BHRT)
Bioidentical hormones are compounds that have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as the hormones that are made by the body . Like "lock and key" the bioidentical hormone can attach to the receptor because it "recognizes" it , and produce the desired action. These hormones are extracted from natural sources like soybeans and yams, and then manufactured into various bioidentical hormones with the same molecular structure as our naturally occurring hormones.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy ( BHRT) can be used to help balance hormone levels that have become deficient for any number of root causes. BHRT may be very helpful, when carefully prescribed using the lowest effective dose for the proper length of time, in the proper form. In many cases, once the root cause is "healed" the BHRT can be discontinued.
Are Natural and Bioidentical the same thing?
"Natural" does not necessarily mean bioidentical. An example of this is one commonly prescribed conventional estrogen replacement that is derived from equine (horse) urine. Human beings produce 3 estrogens and have receptors for those 3 estrogen molecules. While equine estrogens are "natural", humans do not have receptors for all of the estrogens contained in the equine estrogen complex, thus it is not bioidentical for humans (only for horses!) Our bodies must then detoxify the "foreign" components into less toxic compounds for elimination. This places unnecessary burden on the liver and "detoxification" pathways.
BHRT can be administered in multiple forms-topical or vaginal cremes, patches, pills, suppositories, injections. Some "off the shelf" pharmaceutical preparations are bioidentical and are available in pill, creme, topical gel and patch forms and may work well for some patients. There are however limitations to what is commercially available and many patients need different doses, forms or combinations. Sometimes the pharmaceutical version is cost-prohibitive as is the case with some of the male testosterone topical preparations. Some of our patients are sensitive to the preservatives or fillers in some of the commercial products. These issues can be overcome by the practitioner working in conjunction with an expert compounding pharmacist that specializes in hormones. We enjoy a close relationship with some of the leading experts in compounding hormones.
Holistic Principles of Hormone Balancing at New Beginnings Healthcare
- Treat the whole person body-mind and spirit
- Optimize nutrition to support the body's innate healing ability
- Honor the interconnectivity of the body's neuroendocrine system-address/support all hormonal imbalances simultaneously
- Utilize gifts of the earth to support healing when indicated, ie: specific nutritional supplements, herbs
- Respect the wisdom/intuition of the body-mind of both patient and healer
- If/when using BHRT, use smallest doses to achieve goals, in the right ratio and by the right route, and carefully monitor individual response to therapy
- Integrate exercise as a healing tool
- Avoid /eliminate toxins as much as possible
- Incorporate stress management
- Honor that healing is a process, not an event
- Incorporate spiritual support/daily spiritual practice
Managing hormonal health takes time, commitment and a respect for the process. It is important to partner with a practitioner experienced in and passionate about helping you achieve your goals . I'd be honored to be part of your health journey!